Welcome to the Planetary Systems Biochemistry database

While we know at least one example of planetary life, our own biosphere, we currently have no predictive theories to guide our search for others. To move from an era of speculation about what life could be, to an era of predictions about what life is and where it is, we need new quantitative tools. Life in one environment may differ from life in another. Understanding how planetary processes couple to signatures of life, universally - not just here on Earth - is critical to developing these tools. This motivates our team to address the compelling focus question: What detectable universal patterns distinguish living chemistries through various stages of planetary evolution?

Search TermDefinition
itemSearches for datafields containing the word "item".
"item"Searches for datafields containing only the word "item" and nothing else.
!itemSearches for datafields that does not contain "item".
!"item"Searches for datafields that contain anything other than just the word "item".
""Searches for datafields that contain nothing. (empty)
!""Searches for datafields that contain anything at all. (not empty)
a bSearches for datafields containing both "a" and "b".
"a b" "c d"Searches for datafields containing both the item "a b" and the item "c d".
a || bSearches for datafields containing either "a", or "b", or both.
>123Searches for datafields containing a number greater than 123.
>=123Searches for datafields containing a number greater than or equal to 123.
<123Searches for datafields containing a number less than 123.
<=123Searches for datafields containing a number less than or equal to 123.
>123 <456Searches for datafields containing a number between 123 and 456.
Planetary Systems Biochemistry