Welcome to the Chemin Database

The CheMin database is a living repository of CheMin and related Mars Science Laboratory Mission data. Data provided here is archived and publicly available in the PDS.

Search TermDefinition
itemSearches for datafields containing the word "item".
"item"Searches for datafields containing only the word "item" and nothing else.
!itemSearches for datafields that does not contain "item".
!"item"Searches for datafields that contain anything other than just the word "item".
""Searches for datafields that contain nothing. (empty)
!""Searches for datafields that contain anything at all. (not empty)
abc xyz
abc && xyz
Searches for datafields containing both "abc" and "xyz".
"abc xyz"Searches for datafields containing the phrase "abc xyz".
abc, xyz
abc OR xyz
abc || xyz
Searches for datafields containing either "abc", or "xyz", or both.
>123Searches for datafields containing a number greater than 123.
>=123Searches for datafields containing a number greater than or equal to 123.
<123Searches for datafields containing a number less than 123.
<=123Searches for datafields containing a number less than or equal to 123.
>123 <456Searches for datafields containing a number between 123 and 456.
CheMin database
CheMin Mineral Abundances
CheMin XRD
CheMin XRF
CheMin Cifs
CheMin Experiment Data Records
CheMin Grain Motion
CheMin Overlays
SAM database
RRUFF References