Welcome to the Evolutionary System of Mineralogy Database (ESMD)!

The Evolutionary System of Mineralogy Database (ESMD) contains measured geochemical and physical characteristics of mineral samples, including major, minor, trace elements as well as isotopic ratios. Minerals are incredibly information-rich, with chemical and physical attributes recording their astrophysical, geological and/or biological conditions during formation and alteration. While this fact is well-known, the relationship between a mineral’s measurable features and its history is not always so clear, largely due to the complexity and dimensionality of these systems. Therefore, advanced analytics and machine learning is required for and enables us to predict the astrophysical, geological, or geochemical past of a mineral sample and, for select mineral phases, can also predict whether or not life was involved – offering a robust biomarker for planetary exploration. However, the largest hurdle remains: the lack of compiled, accessible, machine-readable data resources - this will all change with the Evolutionary System of Mineralogy Database.

Search TermDefinition
itemSearches for datafields containing the word "item".
"item"Searches for datafields containing only the word "item" and nothing else.
!itemSearches for datafields that does not contain "item".
!"item"Searches for datafields that contain anything other than just the word "item".
""Searches for datafields that contain nothing. (empty)
!""Searches for datafields that contain anything at all. (not empty)
a bSearches for datafields containing both "a" and "b".
"a b" "c d"Searches for datafields containing both the item "a b" and the item "c d".
a || bSearches for datafields containing either "a", or "b", or both.
>123Searches for datafields containing a number greater than 123.
>=123Searches for datafields containing a number greater than or equal to 123.
<123Searches for datafields containing a number less than 123.
<=123Searches for datafields containing a number less than or equal to 123.
>123 <456Searches for datafields containing a number between 123 and 456.